Last week ‘Not a Cowgirl’ left a great comment with a personal story regarding her bow legs surgery.
I think this story really helps understand the meaning of going through a bow legs surgery, and I personally wanted to read more about this after reading this comment. So…I’ve decided to share a link to her blog, where you can see pictures of the bow legs before and after and read more about her bow legs story –
In addition, I wanted to thank all of you for sharing your experience! Most people that visit this site suffer from bow legs and are looking for answers and your stories are important.
Don’t forget to read the comment and add your own –
Have a great weekend!
I have bow legs and I’m running 5 KM once a week for over a year now. I saw in several websites that running with bow legs might cause problems and saw someone mentioning “under-pronation” which I wasn’t sure what it was so here are a few resources I found that talk about bow legs and running in general:
Halloween is coming!
I’ve been looking for some Halloween costumes that will make my body look great.
Whenever I went to the stores to search for costumes, they all had the same short and sexy costumes that are not ideal for my bow legs… well, I haven’t given up so easily! I found some online stores with a wide selection of costumes that to my opinion can look great on bow legs!
Here are the costumes I liked:
Addams Family Morticia
Sandy From Grease
Fallen Angel
Renaissance Girl
Luscious Leopard
Egyptian Dancer
Online costumes stores:
Good luck finding the best one for you!
I searched for pictures of before and after the bow legs correction surgery. I found this websites very informative:
I must say that these pictures (and information from the site) makes me really consider the bow legs surgery option… It doesn’t look too painful, and seems like the results are good too.
I’m usually talking about adults with bow legs, but today I’ve decided to write about children with bow legs. I think that if parents would have paid more attention to their child’s bow legs, in many cases this deformity could have been treated.
I’ve searched the web looking for information regarding bow legs. It seems that all (or almost all) children are born with bow legs (Genu Varum), and as they grow the legs get straiten (when the child is about 3 years old.)
In some cases the bow legs shape persists. A possible cause is if the child is sick or suffers from a condition that makes the bones soft and therefore the legs stay bowed, such as rickets (but since I’m not a doctor, I really recommend going to the doctor to check this.)
When I five years old I walked with my feet pointing in. My parents took me to the Doctor (orthopedist) who gave me shoes that were connected by an iron brace to wear at night. He thought it was too late to fix the shape of the legs, but this could change the way I stand. I think that overall this helped my posture, as I no longer stand with my feet pointing in.
I’ve been told that the solution to “permanent” bow legs for kids back when I was a child was to put a cast on the child’s legs to straiten them. I don’t know if today they are using the same methods, or if it works.
Bow legs might be very frustrating when you are older and start noticing them, so if this could be treated in small children, why not give it a try?
After searching for information on the web regarding adults’ o legs treatment, these are the conclusions I came up with:
Usually a treatment is not required for adults with o legs. In severe cases a surgery is the solution.
Exercises can help make the legs look better (like it helps anyone else without this problem), but they won’t change the bow shape and they won’t “fix” the o legs.
There are o legs supporters/o legs bands that are claimed to help this situation, but I never checked these products and never seen any reviews on them (I’ll update this post with a link once I find where to get them.)
There are also High-Sandals for Bowlegs.
I recommend that you consult your doctor if you want to find the most reliable information and the best treatment for you.
I’ve been searching for a long time for a place that sells shoes for bow legs, and today I finally found a website that sells High-Sandals for Bowlegs.
I cannot recommend as I haven’t tried them myself, but if you bought it or going to please leave a comment.
If you have o-legs/bow legs, you’re probably not comfortable wearing short pants or skirts, especially if you are a woman. The most annoying thing is that wearing short skirts makes you feel uncomfortable because you are afraid that everyone would notice your legs…even in gym class you wear long pants because you think it looks better…Well, there are solutions for this when it comes to what you wear (!!!), and here is my advice:
No: Pants that end just above your knees. These pants might emphasize the shape of your legs, and this is exactly what you want to avoid!
Yes: Pants that will allow you to show your legs and no one will notice the o shape.
Things you can wear:
I was looking for information on bow legs surgery and found this interesting video on YouTube.
It shows a person who had a bow legs correction surgery and according to the title, walks just before Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus removal.
I wonder what it looks like after the removal, if it hurts or if there are scars on the legs.
– Video was taken from